martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Actualizacion OTA ViperX 2.1.0

Fixed blue 4g icon instead of no sim card icon

Fixed blueooth icon always showing connected

Fixed wifi icons showing wrong icon

Fixed custom highspeed icon not working

Fixed transparent dock not working on landscape

Fixed not selected quicksettings tab when QuickQuicksettings is enabled

Fixed screenshot function with power+home not working

Fixed longpress actions not working when right capacitive key is mapped to recent

Fixed longpress button timeout fc tweaks

Fixed tweaks that need to be applied on boot

Fixed and cleaned increased app drawer tweak --------

Added toggle to fource gsm auto prl

Added tweak to toggle little 3 dot menu button at the top of some apps

Added s2w toggle

Added readahead mod

Added original entries to rosie menu back

Added horizontal quicksettings.

Added mod to toggle different visibility mods of quicksettings

Added mod to toggle different modes to show/hide horizontal quicksettings

Added possibility to collapse/expand statusbar with longpress button --------

Updated hosts file

Cleaned permissions script

Cleaned build.prop

Readded 96tweaks script without sqlite database vaccum

ViperX OTA 2.1.0

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